
Posts Tagged ‘error estalishing database connection’


April 25th, 2009 No comments

Just got this blog back up and running. My host migrated to a better server and I had to recompile php and the works, since this runs on fastcgi. Anyhow, apparently I had compiled php with ipv6 enabled and wordpress kept on farting out the error message “error establishing database connection”, even though I had logged into the sql server via commandline multiple times and verified that everything was there.

After an hour of searching, I found the answer on the wordpress forums. The gist of it is, that the DB_HOST variable in wp-config.php had to be changed to After this correction, the blog magically worked again.

Note, I am not leaving you dry. I’ve currently been working on a simple deluge plugin for personal use which I may release, as well as a simple MathML to latex converter using my MathML-in-gwt kit (GWT converter). Currently it can spit out a decent amount of latex, but I am still need to automate the compatibility of the symbols and such.